Project Description:
Flagstaff was engaged on separate occasions for:
- During the project construction, senior management commissioned independent reviews of cost to complete forecasting.
- Independent review of Mechanical & Electrical Outstanding work. Both the main contractor and the mechanical & electrical subcontractor commissioned an independent review of the works to be completed for the mechanical & electrical scope.
Project Details
Client: Theiss John Holland Joint Venture
The Outcome:
For the cost and schedule review the Flagstaff team successfully completed:
- Interviews with site project management
- Interviews with programme and cost managers
- Independent view on assumptions made in the preparation of the costs to complete and the associated schedules
- Preparation of a report, including workshops to deliver outcomes determined from the analysis
In completing the mechanical & electrical review:
- The outstanding work was compared against schedules prepared by both parties
- High level analysis provided both parties with an independent view of the risks associated with the delivery schedule