Project Description:
- Construction of an Ilmenite mine in Madagascar
- Materials processing
- Logistics
- Port Handling
- Safe Harbour
Project Details
Client: Quebec Mining and Minerals
The Challenge:
- To assist in the building of a port complex in a very remote part of Madagascar
- Metocean conditions included 9 metre waves and regular cyclones
To meet the challenges, Flagstaff provided a range of advice through the project delivery over approximately 4 years including:
- Input into design criteria
- Construction methodology
- Construction planning
- Mentoring
- Regular reviews of progress against schedule
- Detailed analysis of productivities
- Benchmarking against other projects
- Design Concept Reviews
- Tender Assessment Team
- Regular design concept meetings

The Outcome:
The project was finished on time and budget
No disputation between any of the stakeholders
Infrastructure development in Madagascar