Project Description:
- Independent Construction Advisor for the $4.3B Greenfield and Brownfield rail project
- 3 No. Dual TOC Alliances
- 2 No. Design and Construct packages, and ARO Project Agreement works
- Management of multiple stakeholders interests and expectations, including ARO’s, PTV, RRLA, community and interest groups and the bidding consortiums
Project Details
Client: Department of Transport, Victoria
The Challenge:
- Independent Construction Advisor during the procurement of multiple Dual TOC Alliances occurring concurrently
- Technical reports and delivery assessment and evaluation and assessment of the bid submissions for the Dual TOC Alliances and Design and Construct packages
- Technical support for the reference design in a number of critical work components

The Outcome:
Successful implementation of role as Independent Construction Advisor
Assisted the RRLA in ensuring that the project delivered value for money to the State
Implementation of various delivery models, including advice on: constructability, program and staging works from a whole of project perspective