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BHP Olympic Dam Expansion Study - Capital Cost Estimate

Project Description:

AECOM were awarded the infrastructure package for the Selection Phase Study in relation to the Olympic Dam Expansion (ODX). The infrastructure package addressed the transportation of concentrate from the Olympic Dam site and included the following scope:

  • Materials handling for loading concentrate at the site for transport
  • Investigation of several transport options and combinations of road and rail
  • Options for port locations and configurations

The study required preliminary engineering for a number of components that formed suitable elements that could be grouped as required for the various option configurations.

Project Details

Client: Maunsell | AECOM & BHP Billiton

The Challenge:

  • Developing a means to simplify the development and evaluation of a significant number of options

The Outcome:


Unit blocks or elements of the work were developed to provide suitable units that could be used in multiple options


These elements were estimated


The options estimates and schedules were developed accordingly


These included options proposed by the Maunsell | AECOM team


These allowed multiple options to be presented to the client team with recommendations on which options to carry forward


The study was delivered on time and within budget

Want more information about this project?

Contact the project leader John for more information, or alternatively download the project data sheet.
Contact JohnView Project Data Sheet
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